“Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak.”
– St. Anthony of Padua

Carnival Committee
This committee organizes the annual festival. The purpose of the event is to raise and to supplement the moneys needed to run the Parish. Proceeds have been used for the general up-grading of the grounds, buildings and equipment. The other function of the festival is to promote fellowship among our parishioners.
For more information on how you can support the Carnival Committee, email sttimothycarnival@gmail.com.
Este comité organiza el festival anual con el propósito de recaudar fondos para suplementar las necesidades económicas de la parroquia. Las ganancias han sido utilizadas para mejorar los equipos de mantenimiento, terrenos y edificios de la parroquia. Otra función del festival es promover un compartir entre nuestros feligreses.
Finance Council
The Finance Committee is consultative to the Pastor in the role as administrator of the Parish. The committee concerns itself with the temporal and fiscal matters of the Church and school community.
Home and School Association
The parents of Saint Timothy Catholic Parish School join together with the faculty, administration, and Parish to support the school and to continue the tradition of quality, affordable Catholic education.
The Association assists the school and parish community in attaining their stated mission, philosophy, and vision:
- By raising funds to help keep the school affordable;
- By volunteering to support the health and vitality of the school;
- By developing Christian community and positive relationships among parents, students, faculty and staff, and the Parish.
Pastoral Planning Committee
The Pastoral Planning Committee is consultative to the Pastor and to the pastoral staff in planning and in responding to the needs of the Parish. Representative of all the parishioners, the Parish Council provides leadership, direction, motivation and encouragement for ongoing Parish planning.
El Consejo Pastoral de la Parroquia asesora al párroco y personal pastoral en planear y responder a las necesidades de la Parroquia. Representando a todos los feligreses, el consejo Pastoral provee liderazgo, dirección, motivación y ánimo para el continuo planeamiento de la parroquia.
Learn more about our Pastoral Plan and how you can join in this journey.
Members of the Home & School Association.