“If we wish to make any progress in the service of God,
we must begin every day of our life with new eagerness.”
– St. Charles Borromeo

Advocates / Annulments
Consists of lay people whom, after proper training, serve as divorce advocates for Catholics who were married in the Church and seek an annulment of that marriage. Advocates process through cases and serve as a liaison and helping hand to priests and to the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Miami.
Bella’s Prayer Blanket Ministry
Our ministry’s mission is to cover those in need in prayers.
Once a month we meet to pray, cut, and prepare blankets for those who are in need.
Families with children 9 years of age and older are welcome to participate in this ministry. The blankets are cut, prayed over, blessed, and prepared to find their way to those who are in need to be covered in extra prayers.
For more information, leave a message in the parish office for Kimberly Valdes.
Feed the Heart
Gift Shop
The St. Tim’s Gift Shop is open after every weekend mass and has holy cards, statues, rosaries, wind chimes, and much more.
For more information, contact Frances Ramos at giftshop@sainttimothycatholic.org.
Homebound Ministry
The Ministry of Communion to the Homebound serves homebound parish members, those that may be temporarily homebound following a hospital stay, and the elderly by joining them in prayer and bringing communion to them on a regular basis.
Contact the parish office if you or a loved one is in need.
Legati Christi
Legion of Mary / Legion de Maria
The Legion of Mary is an organization composed of men and women whose strength is its personal service, influenced by the Holy Spirit, having as its support the Divine Grace and as an end God’s glory and man’s salvation.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
The Saint Vincent De Paul Society (SVDP) is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
SVDP helps those individuals/families within our parish and surrounding area who are facing financial burdens. We provide food, clothing, assistance with rent, utilities as well as help with medical copays. We also provide the applicants with Publix and gas gift cards, when available. SVDP ministry is able to serve others by the generous monetary donations we receive from our parishioners. SVDP does a monthly collection for the poor on the 1st weekend of every month with the exception of November due to Carnival. The group meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00 PM in La Cerra C (if there are any new cases to discuss). If there is a new case(s) a SVDP member contacts the applicant and schedules an inhouse interview to further investigate the credibility of said individual. Once the visit has taken place, we present the case to the other members. Based on a vote and the ministries finances we decide if we are able to help the applicant and to what extent (monetarily) while all along seeing the face of Jesus in each of them. All our meetings start and end with a prayer.
If interested in supporting SVDP, please call the parish office.
Welcome Ministry
“Welcome them in the Lord with all joy and hold such people in esteem…” Philippians 2:29
Newcomer’s Welcome Program is part of Stewardship. The program is designed to welcome new parishioners who have recently registered in the parish. They are invited to coffee & donuts, and they have the opportunity to meet other new parishioners at St. Timothy’s Parish, as well as the chance to meet representatives from different ministries.
Pictured above, parish children provide support for the Mision Catolica Santa Ana food pantry.