“There is no better way to experience the good God than to find him in the perfect sacrifice of the Mass.”
– St. John Vianney

Altar Servers
The “Carlo Acutis” Altar Server Ministry encourages young boys and girls through Formation Encounters during the year to grow as young people of faith to serve at the altar of the Lord with greater devotion and respect for the Sacred in the different liturgical celebrations. This ministry is very important in the Church. In addition to the desire to serve that the candidate has, the call of God is manifested, which is the same one that calls us to his service.
To learn more about the Altar Server Ministry, contact Elieth Benavides at ebenavides@sainttimothycatholic.org.
Children’s Liturgy
The mission of the Children’s Liturgy at Saint Timothy is to serve God and His people by helping the children to engage meaningfully in the Gospel, thus beginning a lifelong practice of praying, learning, and celebrating at Mass. The Children’s Liturgy takes place once a month during the 11:00AM Sunday Mass. The children are invited to learn about the readings of the day, while they reflect and pray together along with the ministry leads in a way that is age-appropriate and engaging.
To learn more about the Children’s Liturgy, or to support as a volunteer, contact one of the ministry coordinators: pperez@sttimothymiami.org, rrey@sttimothymiami.org, efiallos@sttimothymiami.org, ccabrera@sttimothymiami.org.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
When the needs of the Church require, and when sufficient ordinary Ministers (priests and deacons) of Holy Communion are not available, lay people designated by the Bishop may distribute Holy Communion at Mass and in other appropriate situations. Formal training, conducted by the Diocese, is required prior to serving in this ministry.
Lay readers serve the Church by volunteering to proclaim the Word of God at all the liturgies. The Catholic Church confidently teaches that Christ himself is truly present in the Word proclaimed and that He speaks to His people through the reading of Scripture. When we hear Our Lord’s word and receive it in our hearts, we may be drawn into dialogue with Him. Nourished by His sacred word, we learn to live the mystery of redemption and salvation by becoming Christ’s living witnesses before the world.

Liturgical Environment
A team of volunteers focus on the liturgical environment of the church. The decorations and colors of each liturgical season invite parishioners to a deeper connection with the Scriptures and enhance prayer around the Eucharistic table. Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, and Easter are highlighted and add to the tone of the liturgy.
Music Ministry
Do you enjoy singing or playing a musical instrument? Consider sharing your joy and talents with the parishioners during Mass. For more information, contact Ana Villazon, Music Director at avillazon@sainttimothycatholic.org to join one of our choirs.
All High School and College students are invited to join the Cantare Youth Choir Sundays at 5PM Mass.¿Te gusta cantar o tocar un instrumento musical? Considere compartir su alegría y sus talentos con los feligreses durante la Misa. Contacta a Ana Villazón, Directora Musical, para unirte a uno de nuestros coros.

Ushers assist the parishioners as they gather for Sunday and special liturgies in various ways. They are involved with hospitality, accommodating parishioners, helping during Communion, taking up the collection, and distributing bulletins. Through their own example and attentiveness at the Liturgy, they give witness to other parishioners.