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Everything we have is provided by the Lord.
Giving to your Catholic church parish is an important way to support the community and further the mission of the Church. Your contributions help to fund the many programs and services offered by the parish, such as Masses, sacraments, faith formation, outreach to the needy, and maintenance of the church buildings. Your gifts also enable the parish to continue its ministry and spread the message of Jesus Christ to those around it. Whether through regular offerings, special collections, or planned giving, your generosity allows the parish to carry out its vital work and make a difference in the world. We humbly ask for your generosity. Thank you!
Stewardship Prayer
Jesus, teach us to pray. Help us to manage our time so that we can spend it with You.
Holy Spirit, fill us with your gifts. May we offer ourselves in sacrifice for our parish and for all in need.
Father, give us generous hearts. Help us to manage our finances and to offer first fruits to you.
As your faithful disciples, we ask this for ourselves and for Catholics everywhere,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.