“Don’t let your life be sterile. Be useful. Blaze a trail. Shine forth with the light of your faith…
and light up all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ that you carry in your heart.”
-St. Josemaria Escriva
Formation Resources
The Bible
Visit the USCCB website to access the Bible online.
Visit the USCCB website to read the Daily Readings.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Visit the USCCB to access the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC).
Visite la pagina de USCCB para acceder al Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica.
Our parish has purchased a subscription to FORMED. It is a website with Catholic Resources, like videos and audio books. It is great for everyone in the family. To sign up for FORMED you have to:
- Visit FORMED.org
- Click Sign Up
- Select “I Belong to a Parish or Organization”
- Find St. Timothy Church by parish name or by typing in the zip code: 33165
- Enter your email – and you’re in!
Partners in Faith
The Partners in Faith newsletter is a monthly newsletter that includes prayers, devotions, and catechesis for families. It covers topics of conversation to help families live a life of faith, to love Jesus, and to gain a deeper understanding of faith as the center of family life. The parish distributes this newsletter to support our parish families. Each issue is provided to the families of students in the school and the religious education program.
Curious Catholic Corner
If you want a quick and fun way to learn about the faith, visit the Curious Catholic Corner in each week’s parish bulletin. Quiz your friends or family as a great way to get a conversation started. The acronym refers to the common acronym used for the Catechism of the Catholic Church – CCC.
The Kid’s Bulletin
The Kid’s Bulletin is not just for kids. As an adult, visit the Kid’s Bulletin in the parish bulletin and have fun solving a quick crossword or puzzle or enjoy a quick comic strip about a Saint. “The Kids’ Bulletins are a resource for Catholic kids who would like to have some fun while learning about the readings from the Sunday Mass every week. (Ordinary Form) They are made by a mom in Canada who is happy to share them with anyone who can use them to help learn or teach about the truth and beauty of the Faith.”
The Bible in a Year
If you ever wanted to understand how all the pieces of the Bible fit together to tell the story of salvation history and understand how it continues in your life today, this podcast is for you!
Link to full info and to sign up for the daily alerts, reading plan, and watch the preview.
The Catechism in a Year
If you ever wanted to dive deeper into the essentials of the Catholic faith, why they matter, and how those truths shape your life, this podcast is for you! Join this podcast to understand what it means to be Catholic.
Link to full info and to sign up for the daily alerts, reading plan, and watch the preview.
What Constitutes a Practicing Catholic?
What does it really mean to be fully practicing your Catholic faith? Take six minutes to find out more by listening to this brief video from Ascension Presents where Fr. Mike Schmitz answers this question.